Siegfried & Roy plan 2009 benefit performance

Siegfried & Roy, for years one of Las Vegas’ premiere draws, plan to come out of retirement in February 2009 for the 13th annual “Keep Memory Alive” Alzheimer’s benefit for the Lou Ruvo Brain Institute. The appearance will mark the duo’s first return to the stage since Roy Horn was severely mauled by a white tiger at The Mirage four and a half years ago.

The single benefit show will be held at the MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas, and the the world-famous illusionists said the performance will feature a new magic act.

Horn suffered neck injuries and major blood loss and died three times on the operating table, following the attack. He also had several strokes.

“I make a promise… one year from tonight at next year’s gala… Roy and I will return and we will perform magic again,” Siegfried said at a recent press event. “That is the new goal—our next dream. We will make that come true. The magic is back although may only be a one-night only appearance for now for the Masters of the Impossible!”

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