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ListEasy makes ticket listing easy
Listeasy.net was launched in January of this year to deal with the very real frustration that brokers face when when trying to list tickets on eBay. Listing every ticket individually could take hours that could be spent improving other aspects of their brokerages.
The solution? Listeasy allows brokers to upload a .csv file containing all of their tickets and instantly have them all posted on eBay. Even better, by uploading updated .csv files, brokers can remove listings for items that have already sold, or adjust prices.
“It is like having another employee” co-founder Mark Sider told TicketNews. For as low as $50 per month, it is much more affordable than another employee, too. In addition to saving ticket brokers’ time, it affords them access to the 276 million users on eBay, substantially broadening their reach to consumers.
From their sister business at Ticketsinstock.com, Sider and co. realized that there needed to be a more effective way to post tickets on eBay. Having developed the solution for themselves in-house, the company then realized that other brokers would love to get their hands on such a technology, and thus a business was born.
Rather than creating cookie-cutter eBay listings, Listeasy allows complete customization of each listing and allows the broker to completely personalize their markup and shipping on each ticket, whether by a flat price or by a percentage.
Although tickets are starting to become paperless, as long as there are paper tickets to be shipped on eBay, this solution created by ticket brokers for ticket brokers will continue to exist. Sider thinks that people will be extremely hesitant to let go of that tangible memento of the events they have gone to see, and so this business should continue to prosper.