Jay Leno tickets offered free of charge in Ohio

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Jay Leno tickets offered free of charge in Ohio

Late night funnyman Jay Leno continues to bring his “Comedy Stimulus Plan” to U.S. cities. After performing free for Detroit’s unemployed a few weeks ago, the response was overwhelming, leading Leno to choose Wilmington, OH, as the next stop on his map.

The show will take place Sunday, May 10, at Roberts Centre in Wilmington, OH. While admission to the Pepsi-sponsored event is free, tickets are required and will be available at the venue starting at 12 p.m. on April 27. A restriction has been set at two tickets per person to ensure a fair distribution of the limited ducats.

Leno announced his latest freebie event during the April 20 episode of “The Tonight Show.” The soon-retiring television host stated, “A couple of weeks ago we were in Detroit. We did these free shows for the folks. We had a wonderful reaction, the people were terrific, so we’ve announced we’re gonna do some more.”

Keeping in tune with his previous stimulus shows, Leno explained that he chose to visit Wilmington, OH, because of the hit the town has taken due to the recession. “This is the town that got devastated,” he noted. “Remember DHL was there, and the whole company just closed up, like 80 percent unemployment. Folks there are having a hard time. They’re good folks.”

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Leno performed two free shows for the unemployed of Detroit at the Palace Hills of Auburn on April 7-8. The second date was added when demand for tickets outnumbered supplies. Much to Leno’s dismay, some of the free tickets were scalped on internet auction site eBay.

While TicketNetwork, parent company of TicketNews, lists tickets for Leno’s regular performances, it has not listed tickets to any of Leno’s free events.