Los Angeles Dodgers cut 2012 ticket prices
Coming off a tough 2011, the Los Angeles Dodgers announced this week that the team will lower season ticket prices for 2012.
Season tickets for more than 35,000 seats at Dodgers Stadium will be available for $20 or less per ticket, and a total of 96 percent of the stadium will see a reduction. Dodger Stadium has a capacity of 56,000, and it will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year.
Season tickets for some upper deck seats start at $5 each per game, which is among the lowest prices in the league. The team is lowering other prices in some Loge sections to $10, down from $12.50, and $6, down from $8. The new prices are the lowest in those areas in more than 10 seasons.
The team said the still-recovering California economy played a role in the decision to lower prices, but the Dodgers also have been embroiled in controversy since the team filed for bankruptcy this year.
Attendance at Dodger Stadium was down for the balance of the 2011 season, and a group of season ticket holders is seeking a say in the bankruptcy proceedings.
In addition to the negative press surrounding McCourt’s financial status and his divorce from former wife Jamie, the team also was under a cloud following the beating of a San Francisco Giants fan after a game at the stadium.
“A lot of factors got us to our pricing, but feedback directly from fans is at the forefront,” David Siegel, the Dodgers’ senior director of ticket sales, said in a statement. “You can’t ignore the fact the California economic climate is a factor. We decided changes needed to be made, and we made adjustments.”
The Dodgers have not yet announced prices on premium seats for next season, which commemorates the 50th anniversary of Dodger Stadium.