“Entertains.com” Leads Domain Name Sale
Have you been looking for that perfect domain name? Well, you may have just found it.
Ira Zoot of Ticketstub.com has decided to off load a few domains he owns to raise capital and support for a new site he is launching, after being “crushed” by Google, which has made various changes to its algorithms and other policies. Those changes had led to a lower ranking a downward spiral for his company. Google called the damage to Ticketstub and other small companies “collateral damage”. He has spent the last few years trying the stop the “bleeding”, and now he is in a rebuilding phase, which may present an opportunity for businesses out there looking for that unique domain name which could be perfect for them.
Here is the list of domains names for sale. If you are interested, contact Mr. Zoot at ir*@zo**.com. All sales will be done through either PayPal or escrow.com.
Domain Name | Price |
Entertains.com | Bottom $15k |
eventpromoters.com | Make Offer |
musicaltheatertickets.com | $5.5k |
aftertheater.com | $1.5k |
aftertheatre.com | $1.5k |
allstarticket.com | $3.5k |
artsandstage.com | $1.5k |
austinmusicnetwork.com | $7.5k |
bakersfieldtickets.com | $1.5k |
bostontheatershows.com | $500 |
bostontheaterticket.com | $1.5k |
brewcitytickets.com | $2k |
buydiscounttheatertickets.com | $500 |
buyingandsellingtickets.com | $1.5k |
buymobiletickets.com | $1.5k |
buyracingtickets.com | $1.5k |
buytheaterticket.com | $1.5k |
campusticket.com | $8k for set |
campustickets.com | |
chicagoconcertticket.com | $1k |
chicagomovietheater.com | $500 |
chicagotradeshows.com | $7.5k |
colossaltickets.com | $3.5k |
computerizedticketing.com | $5k |
concertlists.com | $3.5k |
concertsexpress.com | $1.5k |
conventionevent.com | $1k |
cowboytown.com | $7.5k |
crazytickets.com | $8k |
customticketing.com | $7k |
davestickets.com | $1k |
deluxeevents.com | $10k |
digitalticketing.com | $7k |
eticketsellers.com | $5k |
eventhighlights.com | $4.5k |
eventkings.com | $9.5k |
eventplanningservice.com | $15k |
excitingconcerts.com | $2.5k |
excitingshows.com | $6.5k |
extremesportstickets.com | $2k |
familyeventtickets.com | $1.5k |
familyshowtickets.com | $2.5k |
favoriteticket.com | $2k |
floridaconcerttickets.com | $1.5k |
gameticketsales.com | $1.5k |
getextratickets.com | $1.5k |
getsometickets.com | $5k |
getsportstickets.com | Make Offer |
grandprixcircuit.com | $2.5k |
granprix.com | $10k |
headlinershows.com | $1k |
hockeyseating.com | $750 |
iliketickets.com | $3k |
individualtickets.com | $3k |
interactiveseatmaps.com | $2k |
licensedticketbroker.com | Make Offer |
lincolnparktickets.com | $3.5k |
livemusicevent.com | $3.5k |
localconcertlistings.com | $2.5k |
londontheaterpackages.com | $4.5k |
mainstageshows.com | $6.6k for set |
mainstagetickets.com | |
moreattractions.com | $500 |
nationaltenniscenter.com | $6.5k |
nationaltheatertickets.com | $3k |
nationaltheatertour.com | $6k for set/4 |
nationaltheatertours.com | |
nationaltourstickets.com | |
nationaltourtickets.com | |
nationalticketbroker.com | Make Offer |
newtheaters.com | $2k |
newyorkshowticket.com | $3.5k |
northlandtickets.com | $1k |
nytheaterticket.com | $4k |
offbroadwaymusical.com | Make Offer |
offbroadwaytheaterticket.com | for set of 5 |
offbroadwaytheatreticket.com | |
offbroadwaytheatretickets.com | |
offbroadwayticket.com | |
onlineticketauction.com | $2.5k for set/2 |
onlineticketauctions.com | |
onlineticketstore.com | $4.5k |
ordertheatertickets.com | $3.5k |
performancelistings.com | $1.5k |
performingartcenters.com | $2.5k |
performingartstickets.com | $2.5k |
popularperformers.com | $1k |
preferredseatingtickets.com | $2.5k |
premiumseat.com | $3k |
premiumshowtickets.com | $2.5k |
publictheatres.com | $1k |
reservedboxseats.com | $1.5k |
rock-arena.com | $1k |
rockfests.com | $1k |
rockingconcerts.com | $750 |
scoringticket.com | Make offer for pair |
scoringtickets.com | |
seatingareas.com | $500 |
selecttickets.com | Make offer for pair for set/3 |
select-tickets.com | |
select-events.com | |
seriespackages.com | $500 |
showlovers.com | $1k |
showmetheticket.com | Make offer for pair for set/3 |
showmethetickets.com | |
showmetheticket.net | |
showstime.com | $1k |
sincitytickets.com | $5k |
socialeventplanning.com | $1.5k |
southfloridaconcerts.com | $750 |
specialeventstickets.com | $1.5k for set |
specialeventticket.com | |
specialticketoffers.com | $500 |
spectacularshows.com | $1.5k |
stubs.info | $500 |
summertheaters.com | $1k |
superbikechampionship.com | $500 |
teachingtheater.com | $500 |
theatrechat.com | $750 |
theatricalevent.com | $2k for pair |
theatricalevents.com | |
theatricaltour.com | $2k for pair |
theatricaltours.com | |
ticketaction.com | $3k |
ticketbrokers.org | Make offer |
ticketbrokerservice.com | Make offer |
ticketbrokersonline.com | Make offer |
ticketingapps.com | $500 |
ticketinginformation.com | $1.5k |
ticketpages.com | $1.5k |
ticketsindustry.com | $500 |
ticketsinfo.com | $2k |
ticketspackages.com | $1k |
ticketsplanet.com | $1k |
ticketsupdate.com | $1k |
ticketwinner.com | $3k |
torontotheatertickets.com | $750 |
ultimatestreetfighters.com | $1k |
ultraticket.com | $2k |
uniqueticketing.com | $2.5K |
upcomingvegasshows.com | $500 |
viewallevents.com | $750 |
vipconcerts.com | Make offer |
viponlyevents.com | Make offer |
vipseating.com | Make offer |
wrestlingticket.com | $2.5k |
clickyourticket.com | $1k |
guestseats.com | $750 |
showcasetickets.com | $2.5k |
premierpasses.com | $500 |
ticketspro.com | Make offer |