seatXchange Debuts Mobile App in LA Market

seatXchange Debuts Mobile App in LA Market

from press release

SEPTEMBER 2017, Los Angeles, CA – seatXchange, a mobile app launches in the Apple Store and on Google Play, and raised a whopping $1MM in its first few months with users rapidly signing up as the LA market ramps up to support their two debut NFL teams. The app allows you to exchange seat tickets during an event while being a part of a social community directed at making the consumer’s event experience a much better one!  Sit closer to your favorite artist or with friends, move away from annoying fans, and even make money on tickets you can’t use or sell to another fan if you leave an event early! The limits are endless.

As fans and event goers we have been conditioned to sit in the same seat for the entire concert, game, or show. We don’t have the option to move around, get closer, change seats or even see the event from another viewpoint. We are stuck in the same seat the entire time. Why? Because we don’t have any other options!

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About seatXchange:

It’s time we change the way we take control over our event tickets and have the ability for more options and an overall better event experience. SeatXchange is an innovative, never before seen digital application that was born to provide an easy, real-time solution for consumers to buy, sell and exchange seats at any given time.

As ticket prices continue to skyrocket along with hidden fees, many consumers take to unreliable marketplaces and third parties only to be misled into purchases that provide poor seats, even worse – transacting with fraudulant ticket sites or apps and possibly tricked out of our ticket completely.

SeatXchange is a platform designed after the Fair Efficient Market Theory based on trust, security, transferability and liquidity. These criteria allow ticket holders to achieve benefits that weren’t available until now, providing the most optimum event experience for everyone.

seatXchange Differentiation in the Marketplace:

  • More Trust with the ability to view ratings, reviews and mutual connections within the seatXchange community prior to a transaction
  • Real-Time Information provided to help guide your transaction with a money-back guarantee
  • Connecting the Social Community allowing you to see where your friends are sitting and buy tickets in the same section and cost-share with your friends and the entire seatXchange community
  • Available on Your Time means you can utilize the app before or during an event – available before or during an event, the clock doesn’t start just because the event already has!
  • The Game-Changer literally, seatXchange is Real-Time In-Venue Seat Exchange

SeatXchange is the first-of-its-kind peer-to-peer platform allowing fans to share their event experience and exchange seats with one another in real time. This innovative application was founded by attorney Amir Amini and his partner Robert Gleason, an experienced veteran in the entertainment and music space formerly hailing from SBE Entertainment Group. The brand was born in the Spring of 2017 with official launch scheduled for September 2, 2017, however users can already sign up and become a part of the seatXchange community. The app will support a multitude of events Los Angeles from sports to music events and much more, with expansion plans for additional markets and full national availability.

For more details visit:

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