Jack Boyle, Who Built Cellar Door into Promotional Powerhouse, Dead at 82`
Jack Boyle, who built a small club in Washington D.C.’s Georgetown neighborhood into a regional promotions empire that became a key cog in the construction of Live Nation’s national hegemony, has passed away at age 83 in California. According to his son, he passed due to complications from dementia.
“Jack was one of the original powerhouse architects of the concert industry,” said Seth Hurwitz, the owner of the 9:30 Club and the Anthem in Washington, who as chairman of the District-based promotion and production company I.M.P. has largely succeeded Mr. Boyle as chief impresario of the region’s music scene.
Despite his successes, Boyle was not exactly known for kind words about the business he operated in.
“Basically, a promoter is a banker who gives non-recourse loans at high interest rates. If the show wins, he collects money at a high interest rate for what he risked, and if it loses, he has no recourse to get his money back. So our only inventory besides goodwill is cash,” he once told Pollstar, a trade magazine for the concert industry.
“I can’t think of any of us who would want our children to do it.”