‘Springsteen On Broadway’ Extends Shows Through December

‘Springsteen On Broadway’ Extends Shows Through December

Bruce Springsteen’s hit show, “Springsteen on Broadway” will be extended through December 2018, with 81 additional shows added – and if you’re a Verified Fan, you’re in luck.

Springsteen announced the third extension of the show yesterday at New York City’s Walter Kerr Theatre, claiming that the December 15 date will be the final run. This brings the total number of shows to 236, since its debut on October 12, 2017.

Tickets for the additional show dates go on sale Monday, March 26, however, due to high demand, only Verified Fans who previously registered for the show will receive an invitation to purchase tickets through Ticketmaster’s Verified Fan system.

“In order to recognize the tremendous number of fans who previously participated but have not had the opportunity to shop for tickets, for this onsale, only fans who previously registered, and have not purchased tickets, will be eligible to receive an invitation to the onsale,” Team Springsteen posted in a tweet. “Eligible fans will receive additional information on Monday, March 26th to prepare in advance.”

Verified fans have the ability to get tickets through Ticketmaster on Wednesday, March 28 at 11 a.m. A digital lottery through Lucky Seat will operate for fans interested in purchasing tickets after the eligible fan sale.

Throughout the show, Springsteen performs songs from his 46-year career, while telling anecdotal stories in-between. Rolling Stone’s Andy Greene described the production as a “live version” of Springsteen’s 2016 memoir, Born To Run.

“The performance is hard to categorize,” he wrote. “It’s not a concert; not a typical one-man-show; certainly not a Broadway musical. But it is one of the most compelling and profound shows by a rock musician in recent memory.”

Visit Ticket Club to find tickets to see Springsteen’s final Broadway run this year through December.