Best Tips to Write Event Emails that Draw Crowds
Organizing events start with invitations, and an email is still the most common and effective way of sending invitations. The email you send needs to get the receiver excited about coming to your event. Here are a few tips that will help you write an email that will draw crowds to your event.
- Timing
Whether sending a inquiry “who can write my essay in UK“ kind of email or an invite to a white tie event, timing is everything. This is also dependent on the type of audience you are inviting to your event. Let us take an example of a professional like a lawyer, if you send them an event email during office hours, chances are that they will not have the time to read through it, and maybe by the time they get home they might not even remember seeing it. So get your timing right and study the schedule of each invitee. A stay at home mother might have time to check emails during kids nap time. So it is important to get the timing of your email just right for you to get the response you need.
- A Catchy Headline
Most people ignore event emails because they have boring subject lines. Make the subject line on your email as inviting and interesting as you possibly can. A good email that will draw crowds needs to be very catchy from the point the receiver sees it. This is what will make a person click to open it and read its contents. Most audiences are drawn by subject lines.
- Highlights of the Event
Now that you have managed to draw the recipient of the email in, you need to keep them engaged and read more. What are the highlights of your event? What will make them want to come to this particular event? For example, if you are hosting a motivational event, ensure that you include the keynote speaker’s name. If it is a fun event, then you need to make sure that you include the activities that will feature in your event. These are some of the things that will make a person get interested in your event. Include venues, speakers, agendas, and anything that will grab the attention of the reader.
- Audio and Visual
It is always good to add a visual or audio giving your reader a taste of the experience they will have if they make their way to your event. For example, a kid’s event can include a video of kids doing fun activities in a similar event before the one you are inviting them to. Statistics show that by March 2013 youtube was seeing monthly active 1bn users and the number is rising gradually. This just shows that people are drawn to videos so make an interesting video and add it to your invitation.
- Personalize the Email
Ensure that you touch your reader on a very personal level, for example, while sending an invitation about a mixer, mention to the reader how attending the event will change or impact their personal lives. You will attract more people to your event if they feel that attending it is in their best interest. If you tailor your email to meet a reader’s interest, they will be drawn to click and register. Make it simple and effective.
If the person has attended your event before, you can use the information you learned about them to get them to come to your next event. This will make them feel like they are valued. However, you need to be careful about the personal information you use about anyone. Ensure that you have their consent before using any personal information. Things like pictures and testimonials can greatly draw a reader to your event.
- Email Sequence
Once you have been successful in getting your reader to be interested in your event, you need to do follow up emails and make sure that you have their RSVPs. After sending the invite email, you need to follow up with a reminder email and, lastly, a follow-up email. While doing all these emails, customize them as much as you can to get your reader to continue being excited about your event. You need to keep them engaged as much as you can and ensure that you get that rsvp and finally make a successful event.
Remember to give correct dates and times. Double-check your invites every time before you send them to ensure that you are getting every date and time correct in all the invites and follow up emails you are sending.
- Phone Compatibility
A big percentage of emails are read on mobile phones, so make sure your reader can clock the email and get all the information you want them to see on their phones. You will get a bigger audience in this way. Around 53% of people read their emails on their mobile phone so you need to make the email clear in any device the reader decides to use to open the email.
After finalizing your invite, check it on a mobile phone and see what it looks like before you send it.