Gametime Announces ‘Zone Deal’ Program For Sports Fans


Gametime Announces ‘Zone Deal’ Program For Sports Fans

Gametime, the ticketing marketplace that allows fans to purchase tickets up to 90 minutes after an event has started, announced the launch of Zone Deals.

With this new expansion, customers will save an additional average of 18% on regular seat listings by choosing to purchase tickets by the area they will sit – although they won’t know the exact seats until purchasing. The program was originally tested in New York City, Boston, Seattle, Detroit, and Washington D.C., but now, Zone Deals are available for over 200 NBA, NHL, and MLB events in 14 markets, including Los Angeles, San Diego, and Houston.

Brad Griffith, Gametime’s founder and CEO, called the program “another way Gametime is making shared experiences more accessible through innovation, and as a way to offset declining attendance — particularly in sports.”

“While popular among our younger consumers, Zone Deals are also great for ticket sellers looking to move a lot of tickets for a specific event, creating a market within the market that benefits both the buyer and the seller,” Griffith said in a press release.

Since its inception, Zone Deals has reportedly had a “tremendous” response among customers, as fans have claimed over 2,000 Zone Deal offers to date. After purchasing, ticket holders are provided with their exact seats almost immediately. This is something that has become popular with price-consious millennials and an overall innovative way to help fans attend events while keeping prices in mind.

“We are excited to continue developing the program to benefit cash-conscious consumers, suppliers, and the live entertainment industry and the world,” Griffith said.

This is the latest news for Gametime; last year, the company announced the ban on 66,000 tickets on their marketplace that are listed as “obstructed view” in an attempt to put fans first. They called obstructed-view seats “the bane of a good live experience” and “lowering sales by hiding these cheaper listings is the trade off we are accepting.”

For more information about Gametime, visit their website.