James Taylor Postpones Summer Tour With Jackson Browne

James Taylor Postpones Summer Tour With Jackson Browne

James Taylor and Jackson Browne have delayed their upcoming co-headlining tour as the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread throughout the country.

The singers were originally set to begin the cross-country trek on May 15 and remain on the road through mid-July. They are now in the process of rescheduling to a later date as public gatherings remain restricted throughout much of the country.

“As this summer’s tour of 27 towns and cities across the U.S. drew near, we’ve been increasingly excited to hit the road again,” the musicians’ said in a joint statement. “So it’s deeply disappointing for both of us to have to call it off and reschedule (and reschedule we WILL)! ”

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There have been more than a million confirmed COVID-19 cases throughout the globe, with Browne being one of them. The singer, 71, revealed to Rolling Stone that he contracted the virus last month only but experienced mild symptoms with no need for hospitalization.

“As we all now realize, COVID-19 is a serious, real and present danger,” Taylor and Browne added. “Moreover, our public health is all of our responsibility. So let us listen to and follow the directions of our public healthcare people and support their efforts in this unprecedented time of global pandemic. Love those around you and, above all, stay safe and healthy.”

The pair planned the tour in support of Taylor’s latest album American Standard. They now join a long list of artists to postpone entire tours or shift around dates scheduled before July as a precaution.

Stay up-to-date on all the concerts and events postponed due to the pandemic here.