Queue-it Surpasses 10 Billion Visitors Ahead Of 10-Year Anniversary

Queue-it Surpasses 10 Billion Visitors Ahead Of 10-Year Anniversary

Queue-it, the virtual waiting room company, announced this week that it had surpassed 10 billion visitors through its platform.

The company, which was founded in 2010, was about to celebrate its 10-year anniversary. Back in 2016, Queue-it celebrated its one billionth visitor, followed by two billion in 2017 and four billion in 2018. Now, following an “impressive uptick in visitors since recent shifts in global consumer behavior,” the company has reached its 10 billionth visitor.

Queue-it currently serves online retail brands like Fabletics and Dixons Carphone, as well as ticketing companies like Ticketmaster.

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According to company data, noted in a press release, Queue-It saw 86% more visitors from April 1-15, 2020 compared to March 1-15 this year. This likely has to do with changes in consumer behavior amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, as businesses are offering online groceries, supplies, DIY home improvement, and more.

“When I look back on our journey and see it took 6 years to reach the 1 billion mark, and now we surpassed 1 billion visitors in Q1 2020 alone, I can’t help but think we wouldn’t be here without our fantastic team,” CEO Neils Henrik Sodemann said in a press release. “As a co-founder, the impressive growth also serves as nice validation that the idea behind Queue-it is really providing value to our customers.”

For more information regarding Queue-it, visit their website.