Worldwide Covid-19 Cases Pass 1 Million Confirmed Count

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Worldwide Covid-19 Cases Pass 1 Million Confirmed Count

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to upend life and live events across the globe, Thursday saw another milestone hit – one million confirmed cases worldwide. The United States accounts for nearly a quarter of them – with 240,395 according to

New York and surrounding states continue to serve as the epicenter, with the Empire state carrying a whopping 92,381 cases and 2,373 fatalities associated with Covid-19. New Jersey, home to an enormous number of commuters and having the highest population density in the country, is No. 2 with 25,590 cases and 537 deaths.

The impact across the country of the pandemic’s spread continues to be felt strongly in the live events space, where things have ground to a halt as public health authorities attempt to slow the spread of the pandemic.

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But, there are indications that the curve is beginning to bend away from the explosive, exponential growth that has been occurring in many places over the past few weeks. Nationwide, less than one in 1,000 people are among those tested positive for the virus, a figure that includes the state-by-state total in all but six places.

California, an early hot spot that adopted social distancing measures to protect its enormous population, has just over 0.25 cases per 1,000. Ohio – also an early adopter of stringent distancing – is similarly low in per-capita count. The expectation from officials is that cases will likely peak in the middle of this month, with the surge expected to subside after that point.

There is no road map at this point for what events will begin to emerge on the other side of this – nor when crowds will be able to be a part of that equation again. Authorities are near-unanimous in their belief that the coming weeks will see some tragic numbers in places like New York as affected individuals strain the health care system to its max. But there are reasons to be confident that it will pass, and with it the need to stay away from the people and things we love to do.

Covid-19 Cases by State

Number of Cases Per 1,000 Residents

 New York4.749
 New Jersey2.881
 District of Columbia0.925
 Rhode Island0.620
 New Hampshire0.305
 South Carolina0.302
 North Dakota0.209
 South Dakota0.187
 North Carolina0.182
 New Mexico0.173
 West Virginia0.121