Industry Group Calls To End Moshing, Crowd Surfing When Gigs Return

Industry Group Calls To End Moshing, Crowd Surfing When Gigs Return

Concerts might slowly be returning to the live event industry this summer – whether that be drive-in tours or socially-distant crowds – yet, one industry group is urging for crowd surfing and moshing to be banned.

Steven Adelman and Jacob Worek of Event Safety Alliance published a 29-page guideline for live music venues to follow once they re-open, Billboard reports. The guideline was created after speaking to 400 people within the live event business, including tour promoters, managers, and Ticketmaster employees, among others.

According to the guideline, venues should implement recommendations including hand-washing every hour and sanitizing door handles, faucets, soap dispensers, water fountains, and other facilities around the building. Additionally, it calls for staggering lines into the venue so clusters of people do not form and temperature screenings.

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But what about concert culture? Typically, concerts are littered with crowd surfers and mosh pits are formed throughout the crowd. The ESA  believe that venues should limit these interactions as well, furthering concerts from their normal atmosphere.

“Patrons cannot all stand at the front of the stage like they are accustomed; moshing and crowd surfing are violations of social distancing per se and must be absolutely prohibited during this pandemic,” the recommendation states. “…Even hallways and smoking areas where patrons congregate will have to be monitored to enforce health policies.”

Concertgoers are itching for live events to return. In an investor earnings call last week, Live Nation president and CEO Michael Rapino noted that the company would test a variety of new concerts this summer, including crowdless shows, drive-in movie theater tours, and checkerboard seating. One thing is for sure – when concerts do fully return, things won’t be the same for quite some time.