Ticket Summit Speaker Bios: Broker Genius CEO Sam Sherman

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Ticket Summit Speaker Bios: Broker Genius CEO Sam Sherman

Sam Sherman is the CEO and Founder of Broker Genius, a well known leader and executive in the ticket resale business. At Ticket Summit in August, Sherman will be pulling double-duty – presenting a data insights and new technology session from 12:30-1:30 on Tuesday, August 17, followed by being among the panelists on the pricing panel – “Stopping the Race to the Bottom: Making Better Pricing Decisions” beginning at 2:00.

Sam Sherman Sam’s ticketing story begins with him selling tickets beginning in 2012. Before long, Sam envisioned an automated ticket marketplace that would mirror other commodity markets.

The first product Broker Genius introduced was the Auto Pricer in 2013. This revolutionary dynamic pricing technology helped automate a brokers’ individual pricing strategy. His company continued the tradition of innovation by creating the first managed service pricing program in 2015 and releasing a brand new version of the product called UpTick in 2018.

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Most recently, Sam led the merger between Broker Genius and Seat Scouts in 2020. As a result, Broker Genius is proud to offer ticket resellers the most modern processing platform, Sync, as part of our best-in-class suite of automation and data tools.

Ticket Summit will be back in 2021, returning to Las Vegas for an August show at the Aria Resort & Casino. The annual trade show, which brings together leaders and businesses operating in ticketing and live entertainment, will run from August 15-17 at the hotel located on the Las Vegas strip.

Ticket News will be running stories in coming weeks highlighting speakers and events surrounding the trade show, which is running concurrently with the Association of Luxury Suite Directors (ALSD) conference, with expectations that the combined shows will be the largest ticketing-focused trade show in history.

Reserve an all-access pass to Ticket Summit and learn more about the event by visiting TicketSummit.com. For more information follow Ticket Summit’s official pages on LinkedInFacebookInstagram and Twitter.