Celebrate Earth Day With MLB Ticket Deals at MEGASeats
Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day, and Major League Baseball and its clubs will be joining the celebration of our planet.
What better way to join that celebration and help promote green initiatives, while having a fun time, than to attend a spring baseball game. Though tickets are selling at a brisk rate, there are still some great deals to be found.
New York Yankee fans can find great deals for that Saturday afternoon game against the Toronto Blue Jays by visiting MEGASeats. A quick sampling of the website reveals tickets running lower than face value, for as little as $13 each. Compared to the “official” box office, Ticketmaster, some tickets can be bought for 33% less on this upstart website. For example, two tickets in Section 238 can be had for $61.08 on MEGASeats, while Ticketmaster will charge you $91.10 after fees.
And these deals do not end with the Yankees. Baltimore Orioles fans eager to see their team play the Detroit Tigers can get just as good discounts by purchasing through MEGASeats. Two tickets in Left Lower Field Box 66, in the same Row 27, costs $76.50 at MEGASeats, as opposed to $100.32 with Ticketmaster, a $23.82 savings. This is a huge savings, even though on the original purchase screens Ticketmaster lists the tickets at $8 less.
Why are the tickets cheaper at MEGASeats.com The answer is simple, no added fees.
At the official website Ticketmaster, additional servicing and processing fees are added. When you start the process for purchasing, the price for the tickets is not the price you end with. The total ticket price mystery is not clear until you have entered your credit card information near the end of the checkout process, where tickets can increase by thirty to fifty percent.
With MEGASeats.com, the mystery is taken out of the process. The ticketing website advertises itself as a no fees ticket seller, and they live up to that claim. Though at first glance the tickets available at Ticketmaster and MEGASeats in the same area of the arena may seem similar in price, by the end of the checkout process you see a huge difference in prices.
For MLB fans looking to catch a good game while celebrating our planet’s health, the best deal for cheaper tickets will probably be found at MEGASeats.