Construction Timeline for A’s Las Vegas Ballpark Uncovered

Construction Timeline for A’s Las Vegas Ballpark Uncovered

Mortenson-McCarthy, the A’s ballpark construction manager, revealed the beginning of construction on the Oakland Athletics’ Las Vegas ballpark as April 2025. It is expected to be completed in January 2028.

The tentative timeline was unveiled last week during a presentation made by Mortenson-McCarthy to the Las Vegas Stadium Authority. Mortenson-McCarthy, who was also hired by the NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders to build Allegiant Stadium,  is set to meet with community members and vendors in order to collect feedback on construction of the ballpark.

According to a report by Las Vegas Review-Journal, a similar process between the Raiders — whose stadium opened back in 2020 —  and the authority will be followed regarding the development of the A’s new ballpark. Additionally, $380 million in public funds will go toward the A’s planned $1.5 billion, 33,000-seat ballpark, the news report states. Due to the heat in Vegas, the venue will be designed as a climate-controlled enclosed stadium with a retractable roof to allow for an open-air atmosphere.

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However, the A’s relocation to Las Vegas is still subject to approval from MLB. The vote is slated to be held in November at the MLB owners meetings in Texas.

“I think this is going to be another game-changing opportunity for our city,” Las Vegas Stadium Authority Chairman Steve Hill said. “We look forward to the vote from Major League Baseball. We hope it’s coming soon.”

Some key highlights of a future lease also include a 30-year, rent-free lease for the Athletics, along with the option for the team to buy the stadium and pay for all operations to maintain facility standards, as per Fox5Vegas. Besides overseeing construction, operations, and facility maintenance, the authority will enforce the implementation of mandated “community benefits,” like a $2 million donation annually.

“Whether it’s supporting community needs or ensuring that we are addressing all questions from policy leaders, we are committed to being a strong community partner and contributor,” A’s President Dave Kaval said in a statement.

Back in May 2023, Senate Bill 509, formally known as the “Southern Nevada Tourism Innovation Act,” outlined a strategic agreement for public financing between the A’s and the state of Nevada. The proposed ballpark was poised to become a vibrant hub for entertainment, sports, and community engagement.

The construction group’s community engagement plan involves 51% of construction hours on the stadium to be carried out by a combination of women, minorities, veterans and disabled workers, with 15 percent of the stadium construction work required to be done by small local businesses.

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