Fulham Fans Call for Ticket Price Protest

Fulham Fans Call for Ticket Price Protest

Fulham FC tickets have significantly increased this season, and now, fed-up fans are calling for a protest.

The Fulham Supporters Trust (FST) and Fulham Lillies, as well as several other fan groups, are calling-out the club for its match-day prices, which are among the highest in the U.K. FST and Fulham Lillies said that these prices have the potential to price out a generation of local fans, citing a “completely misguided ticket pricing policy.”

“It’s a policy which, piece by piece, is alienating a large part of our core fan base to the extent that increasing numbers just can’t afford to come to a game or bring their friends and family to help create that next generation,” the pair said in a joint statement.

Their frustration stems from an upcoming match between Fulham and Manchester United FC next month. During their game on November 4, tickets are going for £160 in the Riverside Stand — a 60% increase from last season — with the cheapest seats priced at £67 in the Hammersmith End. Those looking for season tickets face an even harsher reality; corporate season tickets have risen to the highest in the country at £3,000.

Fans took to social media to express their frustration:


While supporter groups have been fighting back against the club’s wishes to increase prices in recent years, they’ve fallen short. Now, the FST and Fulham Lillies are calling all supporters to join them in a protest ahead of the match against Manchester United on November 4. The protest will begin at 11am at the Tea House in Bishops Park, and from there, the group will march down to Craven Cottage.

During the game, FST and Fulham Lillies will distribute yellow cards to be held up inside the ground at the 18th minute of the match. This represents the typical 18% price increase, which the groups hope sends “a clear message that we need an #AffordableFulham so that next generations aren’t lost and will be able to create their own tidal waves on the Thames.”

“We call on all Fulham fans to join us in delivering a clear, peaceful but loud message that these prices must be brought down and that ticketing policy must focus on ensuring real Fulham fans can afford both to attend and to encourage the next generation to attend,” FST and Fulham Lillies said.

“You may be able to afford your season ticket this year, but what about next? What about when you want to bring family members? How is the next generation going to be able to afford to fall in love with Fulham?”

Read the pair’s full statement here.