Study: 44% of British Music Enthusiasts Cut Back on Festivals

Concert crowd | Photo by Michael Dornbierer via Wikimedia Commons

Study: 44% of British Music Enthusiasts Cut Back on Festivals

Festival prices have reached an all-time high, and amid a lackluster summer festival season, a significant amount of music enthusiasts are cutting back.

A new survey conducted by the London-based community of 24-hour spaces for DJs and recording artists, According to the survey, which talked to 1,700 festival-goers, 44% of those surveyed said they had to cut back on festivals this year due to rising ticket prices. The demand is still high, however, as 47% said they still plan to attend at least two festivals, with 10% committed to four or more. However, 27% of surveyors are opting out of festivals entirely this year.

Those who cut back said spending limits were to blame; 49% said they wouldn’t pay more than £200 for a festival ticket, 31% capped their limit at £199, and 18% said they wouldn’t spend over £100. On the other end of the spectrum, however, some are still willing to spend a decent amount of money — with 15% even considering spending as much as £399.

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David Borrie, CEO, noted that the government needs to help the festival scene stay afloat.

“There’s a strong culture among musicians and music fans to support the acts, promoters, and venues they love, whether by buying tickets, merchandise, or records,” Borrie said. “However, with ticket prices being what they are, the scene can’t sustain the festival circuit on its own. Government support is now essential.”

| READ: Festival Season Hits Lull With Dozens Cancelled This Summer

Since the start of 2024, dozens of festivals across the globe have been called-off, leaving fans and artists to question: Is this the new norm?

In the U.K., 45 festivals were either cancelled or postponed, the Association of Independent Festivals reported, including El Dorado, Riverside, and NASS. AIF noted an increase from 36 cancellations last year and predicted this figure could more than double by the end of the year.

An increase in the cost of living and a spike in costs are partially to blame; according to a Sky News analysis, festival ticket prices have risen 17% in five years, totaling 165.92 in 2024. There are also other factors at play, including the reconstruction of festivals post-pandemic and the increase in production costs.

Freddie Fellowes of The Secret Garden Party told Sky News that global companies that have a share of the festival market can be compared to an “apex predator” noting that they are “there to make money and reward their shareholders. But they aren’t about supporting grassroots, talent, or anything like that.”

They’re not alone, either; in Australia, large-name events like Splendour in the Grass and Groovin the Moo festivals have been called-off this year. Bluesfest, which normally brings-in close to 100,000 attendees, had 60,000 fans attend the festival this year. Bluesfest director Peter Noble spoke out at a Variety Live Business Breakfast in Sydney, noting that the music festival climate is an “extinction event.”

Other festivals didn’t even make the cut in the U.S., as Firefly announced it would not return to Dover and Jay-Z’s Made in America festival was called-off for the second year in a row. Lovers & Friends’ inaugural festival was also cancelled, as well as Backwoods Festival and Kickoff Jam.