Burning Man
Burning Man Offering $2,500 “Reservations”, Will Require Vaccination
Burning Man, the annual celebration that draws thousands to a temporary desert metropolis of Black Rock City, won’t decide whetier it will hold a 2021 event until April 30. But fans who don’t want to wait that long have the opportunity to buy a “reservation” now granting them rights to purchase tickets to two consecutive events when they go on sale.
The cost? $2,500.
Should they hold an event this year, the famously libertarian event will require vaccinations against COVID, due largely to state regulations that would require them for an event of that size to receive permission to go. Organizers say that they would need to have more than 60,000 attend to make it financially viable. But largesse experienced from donations received following the cancellation of the 2020 evnt amid the pandemic has granted the organizers the luxury of making their decision without their long-term survival in mind.
“If we make the decision to build Black Rock City, it is not one based on the need for the money to have the organization survive,” says CEO Marian Goodell. “So we have the luxury of making the decision based on our values and what’s best for the community and where we’re at at this time.”
A total of 1,000 reservations are available, which will translate into a pair of tickets at the 2021 and 2022 events or 2022 and 2023 events should this year not be held.