

WWE Takes Home Gold and Expands Marketing Effort

WWE Takes Home Gold and Expands Marketing Effort

WWE® Takes Home The Gold For Annual Fan Axxess Tour World Wrestling Entertainment® has won a Gold Award in the Mobile Marketing category from Corporate EVENT magazine for last year’s…

Upstart Pro Wrestling Promotion Grows in Popularity

Upstart Pro Wrestling Promotion Grows in Popularity

 Ring Of Honor – By Alfred Branch, Jr. Ticket broker Cary Silkin’s pro wresting venture Ring of Honor will tape its first pay-per-view special Saturday in New…

WWE SmackDown Celebrates 400th Episode

WWE SmackDown Celebrates 400th Episode

WWECorpBiz — On Friday, April 20, World Wrestling Entertainment will air the 400th episode of SmackDown. First premiering on UPN on August 26, 1999, SmackDown consistently ranked among the channel’s…

WWE: Three Consecutive Sellouts in California

WWE: Three Consecutive Sellouts in California

World Wrestling Entertainment posted three consecutive sold out shows the week of February 18 at separate venues in the Golden State. Combined, the sellouts grossed more than $1.4 million in…