Corrections Policy
At, our commitment to accuracy is fundamental to our reputation and the trust we hold with our readers. We strive to report news and information accurately and transparently. However, if inaccuracies do occur, we are dedicated to correcting them promptly.
Identifying Corrections
Our editorial team is vigilant about corrections. If we identify an error, we will correct it in the article and note the correction at the bottom of the article. Corrections will be clearly identified with a timestamp to ensure transparency with our readers.
Reader-Initiated Corrections
We encourage our readers to help us maintain the accuracy of our content. If you believe that something we have published is incorrect, we welcome your feedback and appreciate your assistance in rectifying any inaccuracies.
How to Report an Error
To report an error or request a correction, please contact us using any of the following methods:
- Email: You can reach our editorial team at ed*******@ti********.com. Please include a link to the article in question and a detailed description of what you believe is incorrect.
- Physical Mail: If you prefer to write to us, please send your correspondence to:TicketNews
75 Gerber Rd. East
Suite 107
South Windsor, CT 06074 - Telephone: You can also call us at (860) 533-4060. This line is staffed during normal business hours, and our team will be happy to assist you in reporting a correction.
Processing Corrections
Upon receiving a correction request, our editorial team will review the claim and verify the information. If a correction is warranted, we will update the content as quickly as possible. We will also provide a correction notice at the end of the article to inform readers of the change.
Commitment to Integrity
We are committed to journalistic integrity and the highest standards of reporting. Our corrections policy is an essential part of our commitment to accountability and transparency. We thank our readers for their invaluable role in helping us maintain these standards.