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Garnett Hopes to Bring Pride Back to Boston Celtics
By Talmadge Harper
With word coming down that Kevin Garnett, the 6’11” former NBA MVP, is moving from the Minnesota Timberwolves to the Boston Celtics, Boston-area ticket brokers are anticipating a surge on ticket sales.
Higstickets.com owner Patrick Higgins believes the acquisition of Garnett is a blessing for the Celtics, and he expects massive ticket sales for the team due to a renewal in fan hope. “We were waiting on the edge of our chairs, we’re going to expand our season tickets accounts,” said Higgins.
In the past, Higgins found it nearly impossible to move tickets for the Celtics, but those days are apparently over. “Every game we would waste stacks of tickets, we couldn’t give them away never mind sell them,” he said. “But, with the hype surrounding Kevin Garnett, we’ve got customers already calling to see if we have season floor seats.” . . .
Chris Valenti, owner of Valentiringsidetickets.com shares the same anticipation for the renewal of the Celtics popularity. “They had to put people in the stands or they were not going to generate enough revenue. But with Garnett, they should be alright,” Valenti said. As a fan himself, Valenti also plans on seeing a lot more of the Celtics. “Years ago, it wasn’t as fun to go to the games, but now it will be,” Valenti added.
According to published reports, the Celtics will trade Al Jefferson, Gerald Green, Theo Ratliff, and possibly Sebastian Telfair, in exchange for Garnett. While some fans may believe this is a high price to pay for Garnett, only the future will tell if Garnett lives up to the expectations.
Higgins believes that the sacrifice will pay off. “The Celtics are going to be a consistent play off team in the next few years because of this trade.”