Take That fans crash UK ticketing Web sites
A huge crush of Take That fans overwhelmed UK ticketing Web sites Thursday, October 28, crashing servers on the first day that tickets were available for the band’s upcoming tour, according to BBC News. Ticketing sites throughout the country, including Ticketmaster’s, crashed under the volume of traffic, which Ticketmaster said was twice the volume it experienced for Michael Jackson’s planned O2 residency in 2009. Ticketmaster UK said in a statement, “Due to totally unprecedented demand all ticket agents across the UK, including Ticketmaster, are struggling to cope with the sheer volume of people logging on to try and buy Take That tickets.” In addition to Ticketmaster, the other ticketing sites to crash were See Tickets, Ticketline and The Ticket Factory. The Take That trek through the UK marks the first time singer Robbie Williams will perform with the band in 16 years.