Hannah Montana Tour “Finds” 45,000 Extra Tickets

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Hannah Montana Tour “Finds” 45,000 Extra Tickets

By Alfred Branch, Jr.

Organizers of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana tour this week emailed shut out fans that 45,000 tickets were now being offered for the remaining 21 shows on the tour, beginning with the Dec. 6 show in Grand Rapids, MI. These are tickets that were apparently withheld from the public by the promoters and venues during the first round of sales.

The shut out fans names were obtained through the MileyWorld.com fan club, which emailed the following letter to those members:

“You are receiving this e-mail because you have been identified by the MileyWorld Fan Club as a MileyWorld member who obtained a Ticketmaster code to purchase tickets to a concert during the pre-sale offer period, but who did not actually purchase any tickets using your Ticketmaster code. MileyWorld is committed to doing everything in its power to see that as many of its members as possible have a chance to purchase tickets to the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds Tour.

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We have now made arrangements with the concert tour producer and promoter to make a LIMITED NUMBER of additional tickets available for purchase FOR A LIMITED TIME, to those of you who previously obtained a Ticketmaster code but did not use your code to purchase tickets in the pre-sale period. A total of approximately 45,000 additional tickets allocated among the remaining concerts listed below, beginning with the December 6 show in Grand Rapids, Michigan, will be made available for sale through this Special Offer, for a LIMITED TIME ONLY. These are additional tickets that have recently been released by the concert venues and which were not previously available for sale.”

The special offer ends Saturday, Dec. 1.

For months, tour organizers kept mum about the availability of additional tickets and only parceled out a few thousand only after parents and politicians clamored for more tickets. The lack of tickets also prompted a class action lawsuit against MileyWorld alleging that the site virtually promised access to tickets for people who signed up for a membership. In October, the National Association of Ticket Brokers called on tour organizers to release more tickets.

The email goes on to say that it doesn’t guarantee access to tickets, “Please be aware that MileyWorld and Ticketmaster have no control whatsoever over the number of tickets that may be available to any specific concert, MileyWorld is not involved in the sale itself, and neither MileyWorld nor Ticketmaster can guarantee that you will be able to obtain tickets if you attempt to do so.”
Meghan Prophet, publicist for Miley Cyrus and MileyWorld.com, did not reply to messages seeking comment. Bonnie Poindexter, spokesperson for Ticketmaster, declined to comment.

The email concludes with another warning about the tickets, and hints that more tickets might be released in the future, “THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE THAT ANY MILEYWORLD MEMBER WILL BE ABLE TO OBTAIN CONCERT TICKETS. As you probably know by now, the demand for tickets to the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds Tour has been unprecedented. However, MileyWorld members were able to obtain more than 200,000 concert tickets during the pre-sale periods as a result of their MileyWorld membership. Through this Special Offer, you now have another chance to become one of the lucky members who are able to experience Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus live. If you are still not able to obtain concert tickets as a result of this Special Offer, we understand that you may be disappointed. Please know that MileyWorld will continue its on-going efforts to create more opportunities for you to connect with Miley Cyrus and her web community and other activities.”

(The image accompanying this story is from MileyCyrus.info)

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